Before you say it...  

Posted by Shawn in , ,

I was told that I would be receiving a history lesson about the video Fitna shortly. I was just informed of this late last night, but find myself impatient in waiting for an opportunity to respond.

Forgive me.

Please know that my earlier posts about the Fitna video weren't written in complete ignorance and that my question as to the global relevance of problems in the Netherlands was said with tongue firmly in cheek.

I'm familiar with the problems that the Netherlands, in particular, and the rest of the world, in general, are facing. I'm familiar in the context of both current events and historical ones. 

There's nothing new under the sun (Ecc 1:9), folks. It's always the same thing. A nation abandons the Truth of God for some dreamed up Godless utopia with a relative morality that will allow them to make fast feet for their lust and greed only to find themselves utterly bankrupt and steeped in a boggy fetid pool of corruption, religious or otherwise; wondering just how to get out of the mess they've made for themselves.

Groep Wilders made the video. He's a Dutch politician with a knack for rhetoric, apparently famous for his one-liners. The reason that he made the video, however, was to achieve his desired political end. Groep Wilders is seeking to ban the Koran from from the Netherlands through the rule of law. It's that plain and simple. I get it.

Let's also be sure not to forget that he's a populist politician responsible for forming a new political party. If you think for one second that the goals and advancement of his political party aren't his top priority then you're being very foolish. Everything else to him come behind that objective.

Like I've said. I don't have issue with the statement that Islam is a problem. ALL false religions are a problem. They are lies. Islam just happens to be the most acute and violent one at the moment. 

Again, with the Fitna video, Mr. Wilders is reaching purely out to our emotions in order to motivate us to see things his way. That's always a bad idea. All the video does is try to scare you. 

The solution to the problem isn't to ban Islam or the Koran with law, which is to say at the barrel of a gun (how do you think governments enforce their laws?). 

The solution is to ban Islam and ALL false religions by proclaiming and embracing Truth, not smash it under pompous gavels.

Case-in-point, the Netherlands banned Mein Kampf after WW II. That obviously hasn't worked because now, to Mr. Wilders' point, they have it in another form, the Koran.

I'm curious, once the precedent has been set and ratified with another similar law, how soon before the convicting Truth of the Gospel is also banned?

This entry was posted on Apr 3, 2008 at Thursday, April 03, 2008 and is filed under , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .



I have heard of Fitna, but have not seen it. I recommend Obsession and any book by Walid Shoebat, a former PLO terrorist turned Christian American and avid pro-Isreali. Cudos to your informative blog. Mark

April 3, 2008 at 1:58 PM

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