US News & World Report has just published an article regarding prayer invocations at President Obama's political events. Apparently, the current practice is to request someone in the local community to lead each event with an invocation prayer. Before the event, however, the President's staff must first be allowed to fully vet the invocation.

As much as I dislike the current administration and as much as I disagree with their policies, I can't think of anything so insulting to God or as personally dangerous to them, if true, as the practices presented in this article. As horrible as abortion is, which is something that the current majority party fully endorses, I still don't see it being nearly as awful as attempting to leverage the holiness of God for your personal benefit.

King Uzziah "did what was right in the eyes of the Lord", and yet the moment he grew proud he was punished with leprosy, excluding him from the house of the Lord for the rest of his days.
President Obama doesn't come anywhere close to resembling one who does right in the eyes of the Lord, in terms of public reputation, and yet he and his staff are presumptuous and proud when it comes to the things of God.
Pity them. Pray that God would do a work in their hearts. What awaits them is frightening.
And how many levels of fool must one be to profess pastoral authority and then come out with a statement such as "For some strange reason, the word 'Jesus' is like pouring gasoline on fire for some people in this country. You learn how to work around that." (James Bling "pastor" of Friendship Baptist Church). Why, it sounds like you could have knocked him over with a feather the day he figured that one out.
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on Feb 24, 2009
at Tuesday, February 24, 2009
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