Please see this article from the Christian Science monitor.
I found it through a blog that I often visit (TeamPyro). You can read what they have to say about the article here.
Unfortunately, I can't say that I disagree with many of the author's points. Several statements in particular really stood out to me:
"Ironically, the billions of dollars we've spent on youth ministers, Christian music, publishing, and media has produced a culture of young Christians who know next to nothing about their own faith except how they feel about it. Our young people have deep beliefs about the culture war, but do not know why they should obey scripture, the essentials of theology, or the experience of spiritual discipline and community."
"Two of the beneficiaries will be the Roman Catholic and Orthodox communions. Evangelicals have been entering these churches in recent decades..." (Did you know that? I certainly didn't. That's actually the exact opposite of what I thought.)
'Evangelicalism needs a 'rescue mission' from the world Christian community. It is time for missionaries to come to America from Asia and Africa. Will they come? Will they be able to bring to our culture a more vital form of Christianity?" (I agree with this sad statement. Talk about "the last shall be first...")
"Despite all of these challenges, it is impossible not to be hopeful. As one commenter has already said, 'Christianity loves a crumbling empire.'"
"We need new evangelicalism that learns from the past and listens more carefully to *what God says about being His people* in the midst of a powerful, idolatrous culture." (Emphasis mine. Amen and amen!)
What do you guys think?
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on Mar 11, 2009
at Wednesday, March 11, 2009
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